

New toll rates

From April 1st, 2024 ...



Changes in traffic organisation

Due to replacement of the road surface ...


Road works


Traffic impediments since the date above

To see the list of traffic impediments click ‘more’ ...



About the company

The Company was established in 1998 to provide operation and maintenance services of toll section of Katowice-Krakow A4 motorway and was operating under the name of Stalexport Transroute Autostrada S.A.

From the beginning of the existence we are a part of capital group of a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, i.e. Stalexport Autostrady S.A.

In April 2000 the toll section of Katowice-Krakow A4 motorway was started with two toll plazas in Mysłowice and Balice, and the Company took over its full maintenance. Since that time we have been providing services to the concessionaire, now Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A.

In February 2012 the name of the Company was changed to VIA4 S.A.

Registration court: District Court Katowice - Wschod in Katowice, the 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register.

KRS 0000162861, NIP 634-22-98-951, REGON 276194390. Initial capital: PLN 500,000.00 paid up in full.

The Company offers highest quality of services based on the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, and ISO 14001:2015.



Autostrady S.A.


Stalexport Autostrady S.A. with registered office in Myslowice - 55% of company shares.

The majority shareholder of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. is Mundys SpA with registered office in Rome.


Egis Operations SAS


Egis Operations SAS with registered office in Guyancourt near Paris, France - 45% of company shares.




Code of Ethics

Compliance Program

Anticorruption Policy

Information on the processing of personal data by VIA4

Whistleblowing Procedure

Integrated Quality, Environment and Health and Safety Policy

The Code of Ethics, Whistleblowing Procedure and Anticorruption Policy are effective from 20.09.2022.

In the case of violations of the principles stipulated in the Code of Ethics, please follow the Whistleblowing procedure to the Ethics Officer by sending relevant information by e-mail on the address or by sending letters to the following address:

Rzecznik ds. ładu korporacyjnego VIA4 S.A. ul. Piaskowa 20, 41-404 Mysłowice

The violation, or suspected violation, of Anticorruption Policy should be reported immediately to the competent Supervisory Board with a copy to the Anticorruption Officer by using the dedicated e-mail address or by sending a letter to the following address:

Rzecznik ds. Polityki Antykorupcyjnej, VIA4 S.A. ul. Piaskowa 20, 41-404 Mysłowice.




Safety and advice

Frequent driver mistakes

In this part we provide a handful of rules for you, which application will allow a safe and comfortable use of the motorway.
We have based these rules on the analysis of accidents on the motorway and on a visual assessment of day-to-day drivers behaviour..
We have divided them into four groups. ‘Frequent driver mistakes’ are presented here.


  • do not overestimate your skills and capacities of your vehicle - many
    ‘fat wheels’ landed on barriers or in the ditch
  • do not drive ‘bumper-to-bumper’ - driving at a speed of 140 km/h we travel nearly 40 m during 1 second.
    If it is necessary to suddenly brake, this will take us approx. 5 seconds and the braking distance will
    extend to at least 150 m. Because of that keep an appropriate distance between vehicles;
    the appropriate distance is at least a half of your speed expressed in metres (140 km/h = 70 m)
  • slow down during rain - the braking distance becomes substantially longer
  • try to drive smoothly, adapting the speed to other traffic participants
  • drive on the right lane (there are no ruts on our motorway) and use the left lane to overtake
  • do not cut in on other vehicles - differences in vehicle speeds on the motorway happen to be very large.
    If you decide to overtake, look at least 2 times at the rearview mirror and minimise the overtaking time
    czas wyprzedzania
  • avoid overtaking if you drive only at a slightly higher speed than the overtaken vehicle
    (we appeal for that in particular to lorry divers)
  • do not treat the motorway as a racetrack

When you drive

In this part we provide a handful of rules for you, which application will allow a safe and comfortable use of the motorway.
We have based these rules on the analysis of accidents on the motorway and on a visual assessment of day-to-day drivers behaviour.
We have divided them into four groups. In this part the advice ‘when you drive’.


  • do not enter the motorway with a faulty vehicle - you will avoid many, usually costly, problems
  • if you want to stop, use car parks - stopping on the motorway
    is very dangerous and it is forbidden, after all
  • approaching a traffic jam or strongly slowing down, switch on the hazard lights
  • standing in a traffic jam remember about 'emergency corridor'
  • use the speed-change lane - smoothly join in the traffic
  • do not reverse, if you pass the place where you wanted to exit
  • look more often at rearview mirrors
  • do not trust totally the safety equipment in the vehicle
    - crash tests are carried out at a speed of 50-60 km/h
  • avoid overtaking winter maintenance vehicles in action, i.e.
    driving with a light signal on

When you stand

In this part we provide a handful of rules for you, which application will allow a safe and comfortable use of the motorway.
We have based these rules on the analysis of accidents on the motorway and on a visual assessment of day-to-day drivers behaviour.
We have divided them into four groups. Our advice, if you are forced to stop on the motorway.


  • only a vehicle breakdown or an accident may be the reason to stop on the emergency lane
    – switch on the hazard lights and put a warning triangle 100 m behind the vehicle,
  • notify a breakdown via the nearest SOS column or via the emergency phone 32-7627-333
    (the phone number is printed on the receipt)
  • if you participate in or witness an accident, call the emergency phone
    or 112
  • waiting for assistance, pass behind the guardrail,
  • absolutely do not stay in the damaged vehicle - this applies also to passengers
  • do not walk on the motorway

Advice related to the toll plazas

Also on toll plazas (TP) various incidents occur, including collisions.
To facilitate yourself and the others passing the TP we warmly advise using the following rules.


  • slow down entering the TP - the speed limit is 50 km/h
  • head towards an open toll collection lane marked with a green arrow
  • a red cross above the lane marks a closed lane
  • try to choose the lane, where the number of vehicles is smallest
  • exercise special caution when changing lanes - frequent collisions
  • approaching the toll booth ask the passenger (if possible)
    to prepare means of payment (card, cash, subscription coupon)
  • count the change or take the card, take the receipt
  • a green light allows leaving the toll collection lane, but remember
    - the speed limit of 50 km/h still applies
  • it is easiest to enter car parks on the TP from the extreme right toll collection
  • for the customers’ safety the toll plazas are monitored
  • lanes on the left marked with pictograms:
    are designated only for users of electronic toll collection and videotolling

What do we do?

Motorway maintenance


Taking care of people travelling
the Katowice-Krakow A4 motorway,
our daily activity is aimed at
ensuring a proper technical
condition and the required state
of motorway carriageway
maintenance, including shoulders.


Toll collection


The toll on the A4 motorway is
collected in an open system,
i.e. the toll is collected only on
the toll plazas existing at the
entry to and exit from the toll
section (half of the toll on the
Brzęczkowice TP, the other
half on the Balice TP).





vehicle category vehicle description tariff rate
preferential rate
1 motorcycles 1 with
8,00 -
1 two-axle motor vehicles 1 16,00 -

two-axle motor vehicles, of which at least
one axle is equipped with double wheels and
two-axle motor vehicles with trailers

2 with
29,00 -

three-axle motor vehicles and two-axle
motor vehicles, of which at least one is equipped
with double wheels, with trailers

4 motor vehicles with more than three axles, three-axle
motor vehicles with trailers, and motor vehicles with
more than three axles, with trailers
2 49,00 -
5   vehicles not falling to categories 1 to 4 and vehicles,
which dimensions, axle load or weight
exceed standards specified in the road traffic regulations


forms of payment


of payment
for travelling
on the
A4 motorway

  • in Polish zloty (PLN),
  • in euro (EUR) - only bank notes, the change is given in Polish zloty,
  • in US dollars (USD) - only bank notes, the change is given in Polish zloty,
  • by bank cards
  • by contactless pre-paid card - KartA4 or ETC tag - A4Go or TelePass (more information – here)
  • by videotolling with Autopay, mFLOTA ORLEN, NEPTIS (Yanosik)SkyCash, IKO (PKO FINAT) and SHELL applications
  • by fuel cards: E100, euroShell, Orlen, Routex (Aral, BP, ENI, OMV, Circle K)
  • by fleet cards: DKV, UTA

Bank and fleet cards are accepted at all lanes.



Toll plazas

The toll section of
Katowice-Krakow A4 motorway has
two toll plazas (TP). One is
situated in Mysłowice
Brzęczkowice, the other - at the
Balice airport.
Currently each TP is equipped
with 9 or 10 lanes each direction.
Moreover, on each TP
there is a car park with a toilet
and a rest place as well as a
Customer Service Point.


Motorway maintenance compounds

On the toll section of
Katowice-Krakow A4 motorway we have
now two maintenance compounds. The
basic one is situated in
Mysłowice-Brzęczkowice, where all
safety vehicles and summer and
winter maintenance vehicles are
All the logistic and storage
facilities are situated in
this location. Also a
de-icing salt store is
situated in this compound,
designed to fight slippery
pavement in winter.
The second - smaller
maintenance compound, is
situated in Rudno. A de-icing
salt store is situated also
in this location.


Motorway management centre (MMC)

The unit, taking care 24
hours a day of your safety,
is the Motorway Management
Centre (MMC), which
together with the Motorway
Patrol takes care that your
journey is safe and problem
free. The team of perfectly
trained employees can
respond immediately and
control even the most
atypical situations.
If you need assistance,
any time you can count
on their professionalism
and expertise. You may
notify safety related
problems on the
concession section of
Katowice-Krakow A4
motorway 24 hours a day,
by phone, calling the
Motorway Management
Centre at +48 32 762 73 33.


SOS emergency phones

Emergency phones may be used in
situations, when you need assistance,
e.g. in the case of a vehicle breakdown
and to provide important information to
the Motorway Management Centre.

Characteristic orange SOS columns are
situated along the entire concession
section of Katowice-Krakow A4 motorway,
every 2 km on both sides of the


Service areas

The toll section of
Katowice-Krakow A4 motorway is
equipped with 4 Service Areas
(SA), 2 on each motorway side.

In each of them you will find a
petrol station, a restaurant as
well as a car park and toilets. In
addition hotels are situated  in
Zastawie, Kępnica and Morawica SAs.



Move the cursor towards a junction to see details


ul. Piaskowa 20
41-404 Mysłowice
NIP 634-22-98-951

emergency phone
+48 32 762 73 33
secretariat phone
+48 32 762 73 50
fax +48 32 762 73 55

Data Protection Officer
Katarzyna Wojtaszyn
phone: +48 32 76 27 512

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