var L = {HOME: 'home', FIRMA: 'Company', BEZPIECZENSTWO_I_PORADY: 'Safety and advice', CO_ROBIMY: 'What do we do?', OPLATY: 'Toll', INFRASTRUKTURA: 'Infrastructure', MAPA: 'map', KONTAKT: 'Contact', PRACA: 'Jobs', ALARMOWY: 'Emergency (phone)', TWEETY: 'tweets', O_FIRMIE: 'About the company', AKCJONARIUSZE: 'Shareholders', LUDZIE: 'People', KODEKS: 'Governance', RODO: 'GDPR', INFORMACJE_DLA_AKCJONARIUSZY: 'Information for shareholders', CZESTE_BLEDY: 'Frequent driver mistakes', GDY_JEDZIESZ: 'When you drive', GDY_STOISZ: 'When you stand', PORADY_PLAC_POBORU: 'Advice related to the toll plazas', UTRZYMANIE_AUTOSTRADY: 'Motorway maintenance', POBOR_OPLAT: 'Toll collection', STAWKI: 'Toll', FORMY_PLATNOSCI: 'forms of payment', PLACE_POBORU: 'Toll plazas', OBWODY_UTRZYMANIA: 'Motorway maintenance compounds', CZA: 'Motorway management centre (MMC)', TELEFONY_SOS: 'SOS emergency phones', MOP: 'Service areas', MAPA_INFO: 'Move the cursor towards a junction to see details', A4_1: '', A4_2: '', A4_3: '', A4_4: ' ', COOKIES: 'To make the website more useful and functional, we use the information recorded by means of cookies. The use of service is equivalent to user’s agreement on their application. ', WIECEJ: 'more', IMIE_NAZWISKO: 'Name and surname', EMAIL: 'E-mail address', TRESC: 'Message content', TELEFON: 'Telephone', WYSLIJ: 'send', ZGODA_NA_PRZETWARZANIE: '', MENU_ID: '50', CHECKBOX_FORMULARZ: 'I have read and I accept the Regulations for the provision of electronic services, which contain information on the processing of my personal data.', FILL_ALL_FIELDS: 'Please fill in all required fields', INCORECT_EMAIL: 'Incorrect email', CHECK_CHECKBOX: 'Please check the box in order to consent to the processing of personal data.', FORM_SENT: 'Message has been sent', FORM_ERROR: 'An error occurred when sending message. Please try later.', CERTYFIKAT_IMG: 'certificate', CERTYFIKAT_INFO: 'The Company offers highest quality of services based on the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.'};